Quebec City and Low Tides

Carol and Glenn made it past Quebec City!  They passed the historic city a few days ago!  This is a very important place for Carol’s family as it is where her parents arrived from Holland in 1954.  Also, where Carol and her parents arrived by boat in 1963, after living in Germany for a few years.

Of course, they enjoyed local food from the Neuville food festival in Quebec City while they were there.

After Quebec City, they had the challenge of getting to know the high and low tides!  They learned the hard way by getting stuck in low tide!  But they patiently waited it out and enjoyed the calm waters and view.

They also have a new record of 38.5 km in one day! Keep up the good work Carol and Glenn! You can help support their cause be donating here DONATE. 

Lots of Wind!

A lot has happened over the last few days during Carol and Glenn’s epic journey!

They had an extended 2 day stop over in Trois-Riviere due to extremely strong winds, rain and big waves!  Good thing they found this nice shelter to rest in!

However, after 12 days of paddling it was a good time to take a rest, check out the town, buy local fruits and veggies and get some laundry done!

Here is a great picture of Glenn in Trois-Riviere which is one of the oldest settlements in Canada founded by Samuel de Champlain.  It is named after the 3 channels at the mouth of the Saint Maurice River which flows into the St. Lawrence.

Next stop is Quebec City! Hopefully they can use their awesome sail to gain some serious distance over the next few days!

Keep on Paddling.

Keeping it Local

Along the way Carol and Glenn are trying their best to buy locally grown fruits and veggies to give them the energy they need to keep on paddling!

In preparation for this adventure they were very conscious to buy local fruits and veggies in Kingston, ON to dehydrate!

Check out this delicious pasta dish made with locally grown veggies they found at a market!

Atwater Market 

They Made it to Montreal

Carol and Glenn have made it to Montreal!

Before they arrived they had to go through Carillon Canal Locks which is the deepest locks in Canada. The lock drops 65 ft and the staff were extremely friendly, helpful and awesome! This is the first of 3 locks over the next few days.

After they cleared the locks they used their sail for the first time in strong winds and waves which was a successful first attempt.

Keep on Paddling.

First Guest Paddlers

Family members Paul and Denise Vanden Engel were the first guest paddlers in their kayaks on Carol and Glenn’s adventure across Canada to support Loving Spoonful

Here is where you can donate to Loving Spoonful Donate.

Check out a few notes that granddaughter Esther made about the first 2 days on the adventure!


Keep on Paddling.

They Are Off!

The Launch of Carol and Glenn’s across Canada canoe adventure was a success!  The picture below shows Mara Shaw from Loving Spoonful in Kingston, ON and Granddaughter Esther.  They will be paddling to raise funds for Loving Spoonful.

Check out the different areas on the website to find out more information about Loving Spoonful!  Also, you can see where they are, what equipment they are using, recipes and how to donate to this awesome cause!

Keep on paddling.


The Launch Saturday, August 12, 2017

The canoe is all ready to go!

Come be part of the send off at Petrie Island Beach, Ottawa on Saturday, August 12th at 10:30 am.  This will mark the beginning of Part 1 across Canada.

You can find more information on the Loving Spoonful an amazing organizations we are supporting under the Donate section of this website.

Loving Spoonful