Promoting Loving Spoonful!


The CKWS Morning Show – Global TV News

The week leading up to Carol and Glenn’s departure date has been very busy and successful! They were on their local news station CKWS promoting their cause to raise awareness and funds for Loving Spoonful.

They hope to raise  $10,000 for this awesome organization! Loving Spoonful facilitates feeding the hungry along with teaching adults, youth and children to plant, grow and cook healthy food.

If you would you like to support Glenn and Carol reach their goal donate here to Loving Spoonful!

Part 2 Launch Date – May 1, 2018!

Before Carol and Glenn’s May 1st departure date, there is a lot of work to be done!  They are making sure they are nourishing their bodies to successfully complete the trip from from Vancouver to Ottawa in support of Loving Spoonful!  Part of the preparation is dehydrating fresh food and vacuum sealing all that good stuff.

Of coarse, Glenn and Carol can’t take it all with them, so friends will ship it to them along their route.    The delicious items include bananas, apples, carrots, sweet potato, beets, legumes, onions, cabbage, sweet peppers, cheese, eggs, beef jerky, prepared pasta sauce, and soups.  Also purchased was freeze dried chicken, potatoes, herbs/spices, vegetable and protein powder and bars, vitamins etc.   Staples such as rice, quinoa, snacks, and fresh food will be bought along the way.

Toronto to Vancouver Bound!

After months of preparation Carol and Glenn will be leaving Toronto for Vancouver on May 1, 2018!    While they enjoy the scenic 4 day Via Rail journey, their canoe and all the gear will be safely tucked in the baggage car waiting to start the journey.  From the time they dip their paddles into the the Pacific Ocean it will be approximately 6,715 kilometers and 6 months later till  they reach the final destination  Kingston, Ontario.

2018 Trip Updates

Glenn and Carol are super excited to begin the second part of their canoe across Canada adventure to raise funds for Loving Spoonful! But for reasons beyond their control they have to delay their initial start date of April 6, 2018. Keep following our website as we share our new start date soon!