Back to the Canoe!

After only 3 weeks of canoeing and biking Carol and Glenn have already covered almost 700 km!

The last few days of their biking adventure included a bit of walking as the the roads were steep and the trail was full of gravel in some parts! But they still had smiles on their faces  as they reached the end of their biking!

They had quite the adventure biking through Bulldog Tunnel which was 1 km in length! They had to get out their head lamps to see through most of it and got treated to a cold shower as well!


Along the way they experienced some very remote places and enjoyed the silence that was around them!  They even had a Llama try to get into their backpack!

They finally arrived in Castlegar B.C. yesterday morning where they will head back to Hope B.C. to pick up their canoe and start paddling again once they arrive back in Castlegar B.C.!

Taking a break at Christina Lake to enjoy the scenery!

Biking on the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR) Trail

Last week Carol and Glenn spent a few days biking on HWY 3 from Hope to Princeton B.C. They had to bike on the road as the trails were washed out from early spring run off.  They definitely had their challenges biking up some very steep hills!

But after a few very intense road biking days Carol and Glenn connected with the Kettle Valley Rail (KVR) Trail. The KVR trail is the longest railway trail in B.C.  It used to be a comprehensive railroad system but now the tracks are used as an extensive recreational trail providing almost 650 km of connected pathways from Hope B.C. to Castlegar B.C.  For more information on the KVR trail check out this link!

They had a few very special visitors show up as they were biking along!

And this is just the beginning!  They will see many more bears a long the way!

The last few days have been spent biking on the KVR trail and they have had a few challenges biking through loose gravel and some sandy parts! But the weather and views have been incredible and they are enjoying every moment!


Keep on biking!!! 

It’s a Canoe and a Bike Adventure!

Carol and Glenn spent a lot of time planning and mapping out the route before they left on the second part of their trip from Vancouver to Ottawa!  They had a few different options to get across British Columbia but each option left them with hundreds of kilometers to portage!

Then they had this wonderful idea to mix things up and bike across British Columbia along the Trans Canada Trail! They will experience biking through areas such as the Fraser Valley, Okanagan, Kootenay and the Rockies.  Tomorrow they will start their biking adventure from Hope BC!


Watch closely for more biking and camping pictures as they make their way through beautiful British Columbia!

A Change of Plans!

Carol and Glenn had a very eventful first week on British Columbia’s Fraser River!  After battling the current to paddle up stream for 3 days they decided to change their plan of attack!

To avoid any more paddling up stream they decided to take a shuttle to Hope, BC where they could enjoy the paddle back down the Fraser River to where they had started to make they covered all the ground!

They found some beautiful campsites a long the way!


This was a much more relaxing way to paddle on the Fraser River!

First Day on the Water!

After relaxing and spending an awesome 5 days on the VIA Rail train, Carol and Glenn finally made it to Vancouver this morning! They were very excited to put their paddles in the water and embark on their journey!  Leaving the big city behind them!



Watch for more posts coming soon as they head through the beautiful province British Columbia!  Keep on Paddling!

The Toronto to Vancouver Train Ride


Carol and Glenn spent the last 4 nights on ‘The Canadian‘ #1 VIA train from Toronto to Vancouver!  They were able to enjoy some beautiful views and were taken very good care of by all the staff!  All while watching the gorgeous Canadian scenery pass them by!



The trip began at Union station in Toronto where Carol’s brother Paul and wife Denise dropped them off and helped them to unload all their gear!  They were also greeted by another family member, Jesse who works at Union Station and lead them to exactly where they needed to go!  First portage of the trip completed!


The 5 days on the train where very relaxing and they were able to observe some remarkable views!

There was still a little snow and ice passing by Sudbury!

Heading into the Rockies!

Canoe for Change News Coverage!



Carol and Glenn were very busy over the last few months getting everything ready to go for the second part of their across Canada canoe adventure!

During the weeks leading up to their departure date they were featured on local Kingston radio stations, the morning news and they also made the front page of their local newspaper, the Kingston Whig – Standard!  Check out the link below to read it! 

Station 14 Promotes Canoe for Change

Station 14 Kingston

Canoe for Change heads out tomorrow (May 1st) for the second leg of their cross Canada canoe trip which is raising funds for Loving Spoonful. For more information on how to donate and track the trip, visit

Charitable Cross Country Canoe Trip Departs Tomrrow

Canoe for Change heads out tomorrow for the second leg of their cross Canada canoe trip which is raising funds for Loving Spoonful. For more information on how to donate and track the trip, visit

Posted by Station 14 Kingston on Monday, April 30, 2018