News from Canoe for Change!

They say it takes many months of work and dedication to write a book… and they are right! With extra time spent at home during the long pandemic lockdown, we took on the project of writing a book called ‘Canoe for Change‘. Writing about the amazing experiences of our coast to coast canoe trip enabled us to relive the adventure through pages and pages of journal entries and hundreds of photos. Like paddling across Canada, becoming ‘co-authors’ was an adventure of learning and self-discovery!

Stay tuned for when ‘Canoe for Change‘ is published in the not-to-distant future!

10 Adventures

We were delighted to speak with Richard of 10 Adventures in Calgary about what it is like to paddle in a canoe over 8,515 kilometres on Canada’s magnificent waterways as a husband and wife team! We invite you to watch the YouTube conversation and video clips!

If you want to dream and learn more about incredible adventures on every continent on earth, listen to Richard’s great collection of Podcasts/Videos where he speaks with people passionate about the outdoors! Also, check out some of the amazing trips the team at 10 Adventures has to offer including self-guided hiking and walking treks. Thank you Richard!

We continue to champion our favourite organization, Loving Spoonful, and the amazing work they do to connect people with good food. Their vision for a healthy, sustainable, food-secure community is more important than ever.

When asked to submit a story by ‘Our Canada’ Magazine, we jumped at the chance to write about why we raised awareness and funds for Loving Spoonful. ‘Rolling on a River: Paddling with Purpose’ is included in the magazine that is filled with stories of regular Canadians like us. Canadians from coast to coast who bring our country to life through vivid images and photographs! Our Canada Magazine, a subsidiary of Reader’s Digest, is available at your newsstands now!

Victory Gardens were created during wartime to encourage people to grow their own vegetables, herbs and fruit at home or in neighbouring parks. The food was used to feed themselves and also to boost morale! Loving Spoonful has recently developed an exciting and similar campaign called ‘Garden for Good‘. If you are new to gardening, why not start small with a patio or window box container to grow some of your own produce! Check out the information and tips on Loving Spoonful’s website and find out more about a sustainable food culture!

If you are able, Loving Spoonful would appreciate your support!

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