Even though Carol and Glenn just completed their Canoe across Canada journey this past fall, they are definitely not throwing in their paddles yet! They are always intrigued, inspired and enthused by new areas in their home province of Ontario, that they have not discovered yet! This adventurous couple is always looking for their next voyage! Continue reading “Adventures in Wabakimi Provincial Park”
Thank you!
As we look back on our cross-Canada canoe odyssey, one of the most rewarding memories we have is our interaction with our fellow Canadians. From the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean we experienced boundless generosity and kindness. As it is impossible for us to show our eternal gratitude to each and every one of you, we hope that this ‘thank you’ will find its way to you! Continue reading “Thank you!”
Canoe Adventure Story Events – Everyone Welcome!
Kingston Frontenac Public Library – Isabel Turner Branch – Tuesday, November 5, 2019 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Kingston Frontenac Public Library – Calvin Park Branch – Saturday, November 9, 2019 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
In September retirees Glenn Green and Carol VandenEngel achieved their goal of canoeing across Canada and raising thousands of dollars for Kingston’s Loving Spoonful. Come hear what it’s been like!
Come hear Carol and Glenn talk about their experiences – including heavy weather, isolation, capsizing, bears and wolves – and how they provisioned themselves with fresh local food dehydrated at home then shipped ahead along their route. Their presentation also highlights the amazing scenery as well as the warmth and generosity of the people they’ve encountered along the way.
Both sessions of this program require free registration: Register Here
Check out the ‘Kingstonist’ article: Canoe for Change paddlers share their experiences at KFPL
Spearhead Brewing Company – Thursday, October 17, 2019 7 pm to 10 pm
Join Loving Spoonful for a welcome home party, along with Carol and Glenn for a pint and a snack while you enjoy listening to stories and see photo’s of their epic Canadian coast to coast canoe trip! From portaging 400 km over the rocky mountains to conquering cresting waves on Lake Superior! Spearhead will be donating a portion of beer and food sales for the evening in honour of CanoeforChange.ca campaign.
Home But Not Finished!
Carol and Glenn made it to their hometown of Kingston, ON this past Thursday! They were joined by Carol’s mom Truus and her brother Paul!
In the picture below, you can see them in the canoe! This canoe was also Carol’s childhood canoe! Her love for the outdoors started at a very young age!
Arriving in Kingston on Thursday!
Carol and Glenn are happy to announce that on Thursday, September 19th at 2:00 pm they will be arriving at the Kingston Canoe Club! Loving Spoonful is organizing a welcome home greeting upon their arrival and anyone is welcome to join!
They are so excited to be reaching their home town and to be completing their goal of raising awareness for the importance of equal access to healthy food security for all Canadians!
Loving Spoonful is an organization very close to Carol and Glenn’s hearts. They strongly believe and share the same beliefs as Loving Spoonful does! Carol and Glenn understand and are passionate about the importance of eating healthy fresh foods; to be the best person both mentally and physically that you can be!
If you would like to donate to Carol and Glenn’s cause by contributing to their $25,000 goal for Loving Spoonful you still can!
Click on this link and support Loving Spoonful! DONATE
The Ottawa River
A week ago today, Carol and Glenn reached the Ottawa River! They are getting so much closer to their home of Kingston, ON. And reaching their goal of $25,000 for Kingston’s Loving Spoonful!
If you would like to contribute to Carol and Glenn’s cause, click on the link! Every bit helps and every bit is greatly appreciated! DONATE
Even though they are getting closer; it is not getting any easier! There are always challenges along the way to keep each day different from the next. Which always keeps Carol and Glenn on the edge of their seats! Continue reading “The Ottawa River”
Getting Closer to the End!
It has been an exciting, challenging and rewarding past 10 days for Carol and Glenn! These last days have been full of difficult portages, bear sightings and absolutely stunning scenery!
While packing up to leave one of their incredibly beautiful campsites on the French River, Carol and Glenn spotted another black bear checking them out! Again, it was from a safe distance! But seeing a bear always raises hairs on the back of their necks. Check out the picture below!
Manitoulin: A Very Special Place
Carol and Glenn have made excellent progress over the last 8 days! They have had calm weather, clear skies and the wind at their backs (for the most part). They are very excited to have left all of the Great Lakes behind them! And they even managed to get in the news again! Check out the link below!
Right after Carol and Glenn left Sault Ste. Marie, they had 5 days of perfect paddling and beautiful campsite finds! This wonderful weather allowed them to cover 200 km on Lake Huron. Which put them at their half way mark for their last Great Lake! Below are 2 pictures on Lake Huron, the last one being close to Manitoulin Island.
Lake Superior a Thing of the Past
Carol and Glenn’s last day on Lake Superior was no easy feat. They woke up at 3 am, packed everything, had a delicious breakfast with coffee and were on the water by 4:30 am! Nervously, they left with a 7 km paddle in the pitch black from one point to the next. However, to keep their minds off this task, Carol and Glenn had an amazing view of the Milky Way. They also got to witness the annual Perseid meteor shower! They saw at least 20 shooting stars between the 2 of them! After 11 hours of paddling, on Saturday, August 10th, Carol and Glenn happily and with some relief, finished their time on Lake Superior! Below is a picture of them happily watching the sunset on Lake Superior.
On Saturday afternoon, they pulled up to Doug and Catherine’s house on Lake Superior. Doug and Catherine are friends of friends they made while paddling on the South Saskatchewan River last year! Without even knowing Carol and Glenn, this amazing couple had gotten in touch with them and arranged for them to spend 2 nights at their home! Even more, they had given Carol and Glenn a list of campsites to look out for on the north shore of Lake Superior which helped them significantly! Below is a picture of Carol taking in the beautiful view of Lake Superior from Doug and Catherine’s place.
Almost Off of Lake Superior!
Carol and Glenn are just 70 km away from Sault Ste. Marie which is their exit point off of Lake Superior! And even more rewarding and motivating is that Sault Ste. Marie is their half way mark home to Kingston, ON.
Carol and Glenn have been wind bound for the last 2 days! 30 km/h NW wind kept them in one spot, as it was to risky to make the necessary 7 km paddle to the mainland. The picture below is of their safe haven, a quiet bay. In the distance, a moose is happily eating its breakfast of water grasses, waist deep in the bay. A great view, while drinking their coffee first thing in the morning!
The choppy waves, windy weather and thunderstorms have taken Glenn and Carol a little off course! The last 4 days have been spent battling bad weather. They were even chased off the lake twice due to thunderstorms! This adds some stress to their journey as there is not always a place to find safe shelter along this rugged and exposed coastline. So their route takes them where they can find protection!
Earlier this week, Carol and Glenn paddled through the picturesque Gargantua Islands which is a wild and ancient place in Lake Superior Provincial Park.
These islands have dark volcanic rock which is a stark contrast to the bedrock that lines the shore. There are many cliffs and pothole caves overhung with ancient cedars. On their journey through the Gargantua Islands, Carol and Glenn came across two islands called Devil’s Chair and Devil’s Warehouse Island. They learned that these two islands were named after overzealous missionaries eager to abolish the Anishnabe’s most spiritual connections. The stories continue on and are being revived and retold by the people’s whose cultural heritage is rooted here, the Nanabijou. Below is a picture of Devils Warehouse Island.
Carol and Glenn are always learning new tricks! They came across a fellow paddler named, Steel River Jim. He had spent quite a bit of time by himself on Lake Superior, 42 days in total. He shared with them a very helpful tactic for rough days when the waves are crashing into the shoreline. Since it can be very difficult to load and launch a 250 lbs canoe, he showed Carol and Glenn how to take two beached logs (which are plentiful) and put them under the canoe close to the waters edge. Then, load up the canoe, slide it into the water and paddle like a fool!
The shoreline of Lake Superior Provincial Park consists of cobble beaches. From cliffs to large sized boulders, to rocks the size of melons and pea sized pebbles. And even sand if they are lucky! Each beach tends to have it all! As Carol and Glenn find campsites on the shoreline, they often have easy access to the Voyageur Coastal Trail which is a walking path. And they often have great luck finding fresh blueberries for the next days breakfast! And getting in even more exercise!
Hopefully tomorrow Carol and Glenn will have good weather! They are planning on getting up at 3 am to be able to leave for 5 am. As it is supposed to be calm until noon. This way they can make it too the mainland before the waves encroach!
Good Luck!
Keep on Paddling!