Back to the Canoe!

After only 3 weeks of canoeing and biking Carol and Glenn have already covered almost 700 km!

The last few days of their biking adventure included a bit of walking as the the roads were steep and the trail was full of gravel in some parts! But they still had smiles on their faces  as they reached the end of their biking!

They had quite the adventure biking through Bulldog Tunnel which was 1 km in length! They had to get out their head lamps to see through most of it and got treated to a cold shower as well!


Along the way they experienced some very remote places and enjoyed the silence that was around them!  They even had a Llama try to get into their backpack!

They finally arrived in Castlegar B.C. yesterday morning where they will head back to Hope B.C. to pick up their canoe and start paddling again once they arrive back in Castlegar B.C.!

Taking a break at Christina Lake to enjoy the scenery!

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