Finally Off Of Lake Winnipeg!

Carol and Glenn are very excited to finally be off Lake Winnipeg!  It was an extremely challenging several weeks but they are officially done!

Now, they are happily paddling upstream on the Winnipeg River.  As they go further upstream towards Ontario, it is beginning to look more like the Canadian Shield.  They are seeing Jack Pines, Spruce, Oak and a whole lot of rock!  It is a welcomed change of scenery from the prairies!  And a positive reminder they are close to their very own province!


Before reaching Kenora, Ontario, Carol and Glenn still need to go over 7 hydroelectric dams. Each one will be a challenge in itself.  But they are always up for a good challenge!

Last week Carol and Glenn were on page 9 of Express Weekly News based out of Gimli, Manitoba.  Check out the link below!

When Carol and Glenn arrived in Gimli, which is on the the south basin of Lake Winnipeg, they were greeted with a very warm welcome from locals on the beach!  It was a very calm day as you can see in the picture below!

A box of dehydrated food was graciously received weeks earlier by Karen the Execution Director at Evergreen Basic Needs (EBN) in Gimli, Manitoba, sent from home by friends.  This will sustain them until the end of their trip.

EBN is a charitable organization that works towards eliminating hunger through food distribution, education and support programs in Gimli, Manitoba.  Carol and Glenn were treated to a healthy home made lunch at the Cafe consisting of donated local vegetables. They also have a thrift store called Respun Threads. Both the Cafe and Respun Threads sustain the programs that are the pride of this small wonderful community. Check out the EBN website for more information!
Carol and Glenn were very happy to experience and see the benefits of another organization working towards access to food for everyone. They are still delighted to be canoeing in honour of Loving Spoonful and paddling each day for their goal of $10, 000.  If you would like to donate click on the link below!  Everything helps this wonderful cause!
Keep up the AWESOME journey!
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