Carol and Glenn have made it to Lake Winnipeg and are travelling down the western shoreline until they arrive in Winnipeg. They expect to be on this lake anywhere from 3-6 weeks, weather depending. Before arriving at this lake they were on the beautiful Cedar Lake, Manitoba.
The picture above is of the sun setting on Cedar Lake, Manitoba. The haze was created by the burning forest fires in Alberta and British Columbia. There were many islands and bays that they had to guide through on Cedar Lake. Carol and Glenn had to pull out all of their resources to guide them through this lake which included their GPS, compass and map.
At one of their campsites on Cedar lake they were greeted by local fishermen. They gave Carol and Glenn Pickerel and an update on the current weather!
After Cedar Lake they made it to Lake Winnipeg which has been a challenge already! It is a very big lake with regular windy conditions and violent storms. They have been winded already for a few days. Fortunately, the fishermen in the above picture warned them of the winds coming and they were able to find a protected campsite which is in the picture below. They will wait for the wind to die down and continue on their adventure!
Carol and Glenn have been passing by and camping on a variety of First Nations land. Each time they have been welcomed to stay for as long as they need and have had the opportunity to learn about their culture and the importance of their land. “The waters flow free to all those that pass,” is a quote they have heard more than once.
Keep on Paddling!