In the Media

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“In Kingston a couple made it their mission to raise money as they traveled over 8,000 kilometers by canoe, championing policies affecting food security, poverty, social inclusion, and community health. They believe food is a basic need and should be treated as a human right. Meet Glenn Green and Carol Vanden-Engel and learn more about their mission, Canoe for Change.” Watch WPBS Weekly: Inside the Stories. To view the video Click Here – August 2, 2023

‘Carol and Glenn will share with us stories of their three-year journey and there is also a hidden story that you do not want to miss.’ Watch the popular YouTube Channel CanoeHound Adventures which brings the outdoor community together. To view the video Click HereOctober 19, 2021

‘Kingston couple documents their journey canoeing across Canada through a new book’ Watch Global News – The Morning Show as Maegan Kulchar speaks with the Kingston couple who has published a new book called “Canoe for Change: A Journey Across Canada”. Click HereJuly 7, 2021

‘Paddling with Purpose: A charitable cause that fuelled one of the most unique coast-to-coast journeys in the world’  Read the story in Our Canada Magazine along with other articles submitted by Canadians across the country! “Paddling with Purpose”. Click HereJune/July 2021

‘Carol VandenEngel and Glenn Green share their epic adventure on our latest episode of the 10Adventures podcast.’ Listen to the Podcast or watch a YouTube video by 10 Adventures – May 6, 2021

‘Kingston Couple Completes Cross-Canada Canoe Trip’  Read a newspaper article published by The Kingston Whig-Standard.  Click Here – September 25, 2019

‘Kingston couple finishes up 3-year cross country canoe trip for charity’  Watch the news report that went nationwide on Global Television.  Click Here – September 19, 2019

‘CBC Ontario Morning Show with Wei Chen’  Wei speaks with Glenn about Food Security on CBC Radio – September 30, 2019


‘Canoe for Change: A Journey Across Canada’ is a book co-authored by Carol and Glenn. It is an account of paddling and portaging across Canada from the Pacific to the Atlantic Coast. Click Here2021

‘Paddle on Paddlers’ is a short story published in an anthology along with 39 other writers called ‘Write to Move‘. The WriteToMove anthology was created through the Winnipeg Arts Council’s WITH ART community public art program and is part of the City of Winnipeg’s Public Art Collection- Click Here – 2021