
Carol and Glenn made it to Saskatchewan last week!  They are very excited with all the progress they have made so far!  It took them 41 days to go through British Columbia and only 16 days to go through Alberta! They are very curious as to how many days they will be spending in Saskatchewan!

Above is a picture of Glenn on the South Saskatchewan River from where the river starts at the basin of the Old Man River and the Bow River.  It is 320 km of remote wilderness with the exception of Medicine Hat. Most of this land has been designated Wilderness Area for the past 40 years.  Carol and Glenn had the privilege of seeing antelope, mule, deer, a bull moose with her calf and hearing coyotes howling at night time.

Carol and Glenn were paddling through the Badlands last week!  The Fur Traders called this section of the South Saskatchewan River and Bow River the, “Bad River.”


The winds are very strong in this specific area of the river along with violent thunderstorms!  Also, they were fortunate to be paddling through this area now as the water is high. But each day they notice the water is getting lower!

All together the South Saskatchewan River is 1,392 km long! They have been enjoying their time on this River and sometimes feel like they are going in circles as it is very curvy!  However, they are passing some beautiful landscapes and land-formations such as these coulees below.

Keep on Paddling!

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